Moving with the riverTemporary Exhibition - Parks Canada - Civilization Museum of Quebec city - Quebec

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The St-Lawrence river

As the birthplace of the first settlements and a passageway to the Great Lakes and the Canadian West for millions of immigrants, the St. Lawrence River played a fundamental role in building and settling Canada.

The river saw the birth of the country and shaped its development. It is this crucial historic artery that is explored by the Moving with the river exhibition, developed and produced by Parks Canada and designed by Toboggan Design.

Photo credit: Dominique Malaterre

When a picture is worth a thousand words

Moving with the river allows visitors to observe how the St. Lawrence River has meandered its way through some of Canada’s founding moments over the centuries.

The exhibition has two main focal points: the St. Lawrence River and the major role it played in the country’s founding and the city of Quebec, which occupied a strategic position in its development.

The exhibition also looks at Canada’s various migratory phases.

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Large graphics

The graphics are laminated with a scratch-resistant film, and the large span of some sections required that particular attention be paid to the many joints.

The construction of the panels and other large items is modular to facilitate transportation to other locations.

Spotlighted objects

Closed display cabinets, bases, and platforms are scattered along the visitor’s path, presenting objects of various sizes.

Audio commentaries and HD monitors add to the interactivity and interest of the exhibition.

Finally, large illuminated boxes highlight the quality of the images made available to Parks Canada.

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